Bill Eckermann, our friend here, is serving as an advisor and mentor for the Ma’di language of Sudan. Among the several thousand Ma'di-speaking refugees from southern Sudan who are now living here in Australia there is a core group who desire to have a new translation in Ma’di since a translation that was completed in the 1980s is not very readable. Bill shared about his work at church this morning and showed this in a powerpoint.
Shows the importance of a good orthography!
Shows the importance of a good orthography!
Bill and Dianne Eckermann served with Lutheran Bible Translators Australia (LBTA) in Papua New Guinea and completed the Bukawa New Testament and selections of the Old Testament. They returned to Australia at the end of 2002. As well as working with the Ma'di translators, Bill also does some translation consultancy for translators in PNG as well as in Vanuatu. Bill and Di were instramental in getting us involved in the Adzera translation program. It's been great to be with them again!
I guess the Johnson's next stop is Cameroon. They have lots of consulting needs too.