Thursday, October 22, 2009

We've arrived in Sydney! The trip went well and we were able to get seats together! We took a 30 min. nap and then headed off to Coogee Beach. We have to remember to look to the right before crossing a road and walk on the left side of the sidewalk so we don't bump into anyone. We had a delicious lamb yeero (hero) for dinner. Yes,that is the correct spelling at this restaurant and we look forward to eating more lamb in the next weeks.

We're off to Adelaide in the morning to spend a week with Bill and Dianne Eckermann, good friends from our time in PNG. They visited us in Minnesota the week we moved in to our house and graciously helped us paint and move in. I wonder if they have a big project waiting for us?


  1. Glad you made it ok! I keep thinking you guys are going to end up on the "Lost" Island..hahahaha

  2. Ha, yes, I've been worried about an island adventure too, but if it were the LOST island, then at least you'd become famous!
    Good to hear that you got to sit by Mr J. I hope he got drooled on ;)
    I've always wanted to go to Adelaide... let me know if it's a nice place.
    Love you guys!!!
